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5 Steps to Your First Visit

Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
Sunday at 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.
Whispering Pines Cowboy Church is located ​on Old Warren Road in Jefferson County, outside of Pine Bluff, AR.

Come on in! Each service lasts around an hour. We have a few brief announcements, a time of praise and worship, the sermon, and prayer.

After each service, our Staff is available, along with volunteers and our Pastor, to answer all of your questions, help you find your way around, and make you feel at home.
What do people wear?We dress very casual and comfortable for our services. Sunday mornings most of the congregation is wearing jeans, a collared shirt, and some even wear their cowboy hats. On Tuesday evenings, most of us are coming straight from work. Therefore, work attire is what is expected.
Do you accommodate the handicapped?Our facilities are all at ground level. We do have restrooms that are handicapped accessible. We are willing to adjust to accommodate, if needed.
What do you have for kids and teens?Whispering Pines Youth Group meets after worship on Sunday mornings, and at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings. They get many opportunities to fellowship and grow together through activities such as church camp, movie nights, nature hikes, and various get-togethers through the year. At Whispering Pines, the youth are encouraged to not only grow their relationship with God, but also share their faith and love for God with others by utilizing the 3 Circles demonstration. They also receive ample opportunity to serve their church and community. If you are looking for an active group for your youth to attend, you have found the place!
Where can I take communion or receive prayer?FAQs can be added to any page on your site or to your Wix mobile app, giving access to members on the go.
What do you believe?We are associated with the Southern Baptist Convention and the Gospel is the center of our message.
What about giving?We do not pass an offering plate during our services at Whispering Pines Cowboy Church. We simply have a designated place to put your tithes and offerings as God so lays them on your heart. We have more recently added the ability to pay tithes and offerings online with a credit or debit card on the Whispering Pines Cowboy Church website.
Do you have membership?Yes, we believe that church membership is important. It helps us stay accountable to Christ and to one another. However, you do not have to be a member to attend our services and events.
What's my next step?Come visit or watch a service online.
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